50 Cara Lain Mengatakan ‘Conclusion’ dalam Writting Bahasa Inggris

50 Cara Lain Mengatakan ‘Conclusion’ dalam Writting Bahasa Inggris

Kampung Inggris Bandung E-PLC – Dalam menulis sesuatu biasanya di akhir tulisan kita akan menjelaskan kesimpulan yang harus pembaca dapatkan. Kesimpulan ini dalam bahasa Inggris disebut ‘Conclusion’, tujuan adanya sebuah kesimpulan adalah untuk mengevaluasi segala sesuatu yang telah dimasukkan dalam tulisan sehingga membuat pembaca lebih memahami apa yang baru saja mereka baca.  


Kita seringkali membaca sebuah kesimpulan dimulai dengan kata ‘In Conclusion’. Sebenarnya ini adalah cara penulis dapat bertransisi dari pembahasan ke kesimpulan, sambil memberi tahu pembaca. Namun, sebenarnya ada banyak lho cara lain yang bisa kita gunakan untuk mengawali kesimpulan ini. 


Berikut Ini Cara Lain untuk Mengatakan Kesimpulan

Daftar 50 sinonim kata untuk menyimpulkan dalam bahasa inggris, atau dikenal juga sebagai kata dan frasa yang digunakan untuk meringkas apa yang telah dinyatakan sebelumnya secara tertulis.


In summary,…

After all is said and done,..

All in all,…

All things considered,…

As a result,…

As a final observation,…

At the end of the day…

Briefly to conclude…

Bringing up the rear,…

By and large,…

Considering all of these,…

Everything considered,…

Finally, it may be concluded…

Finally/ Lastly,…

In a nutshell…

In brief,…

In closing,…

In conclusion,…

In consolidation,…

In ending this,…

In essence,…

In review,…

In short,…

In sum,…

In the end,…

In the final analysis…

It is concluded that…

It’s apparent that through…

Last but not least…

On a final note…

On the whole,…

Overall, it may be said…


Summing up,…

Taking everything into account,…

Taking this into account,…

The research papers in the main…

To briefly paraphrase…

To come to the point…

To conclude,…

To end things off…

To make the long story short…

To put it all together…

To put it bluntly…

To sum up,…

To summarize the above…

To summarize,…

To wrap it all up,…



Dan Ini 15 Cara Terbaik yang Sering Digunakan untuk Menyatakan Kesimpulan


In summary…

To sum up…

On the whole…

Overall, it may be said…

To conclude…

All things considered…


Taking everything into account…

To put it all together…


To briefly paraphrase…

Everything considered…

In closing…

Last but not least…

It is concluded that…

Mari kita lihat contoh dalam kalimatnya

In summary, it is difficult for this writer to recommend this book.

All in all, it has been a great success.

All things considered, your article is of great value.

As a result, services have been drastically reduced.

At the end of the day, he’ll still have to make his own decision.

By and large, the new arrangements have worked well.

Lastly, the course trains students to think logically.

In a nutshell, the owners thought they knew best.

In brief, the meeting was a disaster.

In conclusion, he promised to go to prison rather than pay his fine.

In essence, formal systems and procedures depend on local knowledge.

In short, we must be prepared.

In sum, we need to cut costs.

In the end, a draw was a fair result.

In the final analysis, the project was a failure.

Last but not least, it will definitely benefit the citizens.

On the whole, I’m in favor of the proposal.

To conclude , I’d like to express my thanks to my family.

To sum up, there are two main ways of tackling the problem.

To summarize, this is a clever approach to a common problem.

Ultimately, you’ll have to make the decision yourself.


Baca juga: Cara Lain Mengatakan ‘I Think’ dan ‘For Example’ dalam Sebuah Kalimat

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