8 Cara Berbeda Mengakhiri Percakapan, Apa Saja Ya?

Kampung Inggris Bandung

Kampung Inggris Bandung – Saat kamu ingin mengakhiri percakapan, apa yang bisa kamu katakan tanpa terdengar kasar? Dalam tulisan kali ini, akan kita bahas berbagai cara untuk mengakhiri percakapan antara dua orang atau lebih.

Ada dua jenis kalimat yang untuk mengakhiri percakapan, kalimat tidak langsung dan kalimat langsung.

Kalimat tidak langsung:

It was lovely meeting you

It was lovely meeting you. We’ll have to do this again sometime

Great to meet you, let’s do this again sometime

Great to meet you. Looks like we’ve got a lot more to catch up on. Let’s do this again sometime.

Kalimat langsung untuk mengakhiri percakapan:

I must be off

  1. Wow, it’s 5pm already, I must be off
  2. Sure, it was great to catch up

I have to rush off

  1. Sorry I have to rush off, it’s almost time for my train
  2. Sure, no problem, see you next time

I better make a move

A: Great to catch up today but I better make a move

B: No worries, great to see you too

I have to go now

  1. It was great to see you again but I have to go now
  2. OK, good to see you too

I had better go now

  1. Oh, look at the time, I’d better go now
  2. Yes, it’s getting late, I should go too

Jika seseorang berbicara dengan kamu ditengah kesibukan, mereka mungkin akan mengatakan hal ini:

I better let you get back to it

A: Oh dear. I’ve taken far too much of your time. I better let you get back to it

B: It’s OK. But let’s catch up again

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