Kampung Inggris Bandung E-PLC – Seringkali saat kita tengah mengobrol dengan teman atau keluarga, kita harus mengungkapkan pendapat kita atau opini tentang suatu hal. Nah, dalam Bahasa Inggris ada beberapa kalimat yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk mengawali opini ini. Apa saja ya? Langsung yuk kita bahas.
Ketika ingin mengungkapkan sudut pandang pribadi kamu bisa menggunakan:
- I bet that ….
- I dare say that …
- I gather that …
- In my opinion…
- In my experience…
- As far as I am concerned, …
- As far as I know…
- As far as I understand…
- As for me / As to me, …
- As I see it…
- From my perspective
- From my point of view, …
- I (strongly) believe that…
- I am not sure/certain, but…
- I am of the opinion that …
- I am sure / I am certain that …
- I’m absolutely convinced…
- I am sure/certain/convinced that…
- I am under the impression that …
- I believe that…
- I guess that …
- I have no doubt that …
- I have the feeling that …
- I hold the opinion/ view that …
- I might be wrong but…
- I really feel that…
- I suppose
- I tend to think that…
- I think /consider /find /feel /believe /suppose /presume /assume that …
- I would say that …
- I’d like to point out that…
- I’d suggest that
- If you ask me…
- In my experience…
- It goes without saying that …
- It’s obvious to me…
- It is my impression that …
- It seems to me that …
- My impression is that …
- My own feeling on the subject is that …
- My view / opinion / belief / impression / conviction is that …
- Personally speaking…
- Personally, I think…
- The point is that…
- To my mind, …
- What I mean is…
- I don’t know about other people, but I can say…
Ketika ingin mengungkapkan pendapat yang sangat meyakinkan
- I bet that ….
- I dare say that …
- I’m absolutely convinced that…
- I’m sure that…
- I strongly believe that…
- I have no doubt that…
- There’s no doubt in my mind that…
- …
Ketika ingin mengungkapkan opini yang netral
- I am not sure/certain, but…
- I think…
- I feel that…
- In my opinion…
- In my view…
- I tend to think that…
- I suppose that…
- It seems to me that…
- I must admit that I’m not sure…
Ketika ingin mengungkapkan pendapat yang subjektif
- In my experience…
- I don’t know about other people, but I can say…
- What I’ve found is…
- As I see it…
- If you ask me…
- In my experience…
- To my mind, …
- As far as I am concerned, …
- As far as I know…
- As far as I understand…
- As for me / As to me, …
Ketika ingin mengungkapkan sudut pandang yang umum
- Some people say that…
- Many/Most people think/believe that…
- It is often said that…
- It is generally accepted that…
- Everybody knows that…
- According to scientists…
- It is thought that…
- Some people say that…
- It is considered…
- It is generally accepted that…
- The research seems to suggest…
- Apparently…
- I’ve heard that…
Nah itu lah beberapa kalimat yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk menyampaikan opini, jangan lupa untuk dipraktekan ya agar kamu menjadi terbiasa.
Baca juga: 100++ Frasa ‘Aktivitas di Kelas’ dalam Bahasa Inggris, Yuk Pelajari!