Kampung Inggris Bandung E-PLC – Apa itu ‘Clause’ dalam bahasa Inggris? Clause atau klausa adalah sekelompok kata yang memiliki subjek dan kata kerja. Terdapat beberapa tipe klausa yang akan kita bahas berikut ini:
Noun Clause (Klausa Kata Benda)
Jenis klausa ini adalah klausa dependen yang memainkan bagian yang akan dimainkan oleh kata benda. Klausa ini akan dimulai dengan kata-kata seperti who, how, what, when, whether, which, whom, why, whenever, whoever, whatever, dll. Klausa harus mengandung kata benda yang merupakan salah satu kata yang terdaftar dan kata kerja. Misalnya:
How she behaved at the wedding was terrible.
He did not know where he was.
The best part of the film was when the boy flew.
Whoever thought of that is so clever.
We need to figure out how we can make our customers happy
Whichever movie you select is OK with me.
Make sure to send whoever helped you a thank you card.
My best trait is that I am hard working.
I wonder how long he will be.
You can give the money to whoever you want.
I do not know whether she can run that fast.
You can buy it if it is on sale.
Adjective Clause (Klausa kata sifat)
Klausa kata sifat adalah jenis klausa yang dapat mengubah kata benda atau kata ganti. Klausa jenis ini diawali dengan kata who, that, which, which. Misalnya pada contoh berikut ini:
The winning team, whose name is posted on the notice board, will be given free tickets to the opera.
Wages which are spent well are much more valuable.
Yoga, which a lot of people practice, is a good form of exercise.
French fries, which many people like, are not a healthy food.
My mom remembers the days when there was no TV.
I know someone who fought in world war two.
I love telling people about Paul McCartney, whose music I love.
Never visit a doctor whose plants are not alive.
This is the teacher who is very smart.
The Eiffel tower is a tourist site which is located in Paris.
This is the dog which bit my son.
Adverb Clause (Klausa kata keterangan)
Klausa kata keterangan adalah bentuk klausa yang berperilaku sama seperti kata keterangan, yaitu digunakan untuk memodifikasi kata kerja, kata sifat, atau kata keterangan lainnya. Sekarang kita akan melihat beberapa contoh klausa adverbia yang digunakan. Klausa ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan kondisi tindakan kalimat dan biasanya untuk membawa lebih banyak informasi tentang bagaimana, mengapa, di mana, apa, dll.
Since it is only me, I will not eat out tonight.
My son, although he is timid, loves to play with people.
I always keep a packed bag, in case I find a good deal on a flight.
Whether she likes it or not, she must write the essay.
Unless you go quickly, you will miss the train.
Once it saw the car approaching, the deer ran off the road.
Now that the people have left the party, we must begin cleaning.
As soon as he saw her, he knew that she was the one.
My father, when he is mad, starts shaking.
Call me up when you are home from your vacation.
You won’t be able to wear those pants unless you have the correct size.
Eat your dinner before it gets cold.
Independent Clause (Klausa Independen)
Sebuah klausa independent dapat digunakan sebagai kalimat dalam dirinya sendiri atau dalam kalimat yang lebih panjang dengan klausa lain. Jenis klausa ini akan selalu mengandung predikat dan subjek. Klausa ini dapat menautkan ke klausa dependen atau ke klausa independen lain untuk membentuk pernyataan yang lebih rinci atau kompleks. Mari kita lihat beberapa contoh klausa independen yang digunakan.
He loves opening the door when the wind is blowing.
Because we liked this movie, we will be sure to pay it forward.
He drove to the store to buy some bread.
The singer sang the song well.
Cheetahs are the fastest animals on land.
I run.
I am late to work.
I love to see the birds, when they fly overhead.
I walk in the park every day because it is pretty.
I will go home.
He likes to cycle.
Dependent Clause (Klausa Dependen)
Klausa dependen adalah klausa yang bergantung pada klausa lain untuk membuat kalimat lengkap. Klause ini biasanya tergantung dan dapat dihubungkan dengan klausa independen. Klausa dependen tidak akan dianggap sebagai kalimat penuh. Berikut ini contohnya:
If that is a burger, I want it.
She is hostile, mostly because she is not happy.
Let’s go to the beach, while the weather is still warm.
When the Queen arrives, we must take a bow.
Because he cannot come to the party, she isn’t going to come either.
Until it is nighttime, we cannot see the stars.
If he can work weekends, he will earn much more money.
This is the car which she gave me.
The bad acting was why the film was not successful.
This is the family who live in the city.
Baca juga: Definisi dan Tipe-tipe ‘Phrase’ dalam Bahasa Inggris