Frasa Alternatif untuk ‘Interesting/Boring and I Like It/I Don’t Like It’

Frasa Alternatif untuk ‘InterestingBoring and I Like ItI Don’t Like It’ (2)

Kampung Inggris Bandung E-PLC – Ketika kamu merasa tertarik dalam bahasa Inggris kita bisa menggunakan kata Interesting sementara sebaliknya jika merasa tidak tertarik atau membosankan kita bisa menggunakan kata Boring. Selain itu ada pula kata yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menunjukan rasa suka dan tidak suka kita yaitu Like It and Don’t Like It. Keempat kata tersebut memiliki frasa alternatif yang bisa kita gunakan lho, seperti apa? Yuk kita bahas lebih lanjut. 


Alternatif lain bilang It’s Interesting

I adore it.

I couldn’t put it down.

I couldn’t tear myself away.

I like it.

I was so into it, I lost track of time.

I’m addicted/ attached to it.

I’m crazy about it.

I’m fond of it.

I’m keen on it.

I’m passionate about it.

I’m very interested in doing and learning about it.

I’m very interested in it.

It looks fantastic.

It looks good.

It sounds good/ great.

It’s my thing.

It’s fascinating.

It’s intriguing.

This is totally sick!

This is wicked!


Alternatif lain bilang “It’s Boring”

It does nothing for me.

I can’t bear/ stand it.

I dislike it.

I don’t appreciate that.

I was bored to death.

I was bored to tears.

I was dying of boredom.

I’m disinterested in that.

I’m impartial about that.

I’m not a big fan of it.

I’m not crazy about it.

I’m not keen on it.

It bores me to death.

It bores me to tears.

It doesn’t tickle my fancy.

It’s not my cup of tea.

It’s about as exciting as watching paint dry.

It’s dull.

It’s like watching grass grow.

It’s like watching paint dry.

That’s not for me.


Cara Lain Bilang “I like it”

I adore it.

I can’t get enough of it.

I didn’t like it at first but now I do.

I fancy it/ him/ her.

I just love it.

I like it.

I like the idea of it.

I love doing it and I don’t want to stop.

I love it.

I’m addicted to it.

I’m attached to it.

I’m crazy about it.

I’m fond of it.

I’m keen on it.

I’m mad about it.

I’m partial to it.

I’m passionate about it.

I’m really into it.

I’m very interested in doing and learning about it.

I’m very interested in it.

I’ve got a soft spot for him/ her.

I’ve grown to like it

It appeals to me.

It goes down well with him/ her.

It looks fantastic.

It looks good.

It sounds good.

It sounds great.

It’s my thing.

It’s to my liking.

This is totally sick!

This is wicked!


Cara Lain Bilang “I don’t like it”

I am sick of it.

I can’t bear it.

I can’t stand it.

I dislike it.

I don’t appreciate that.

I hate it.

I’ll pass.

I’m not interested in that.

I can take it or leave it.

I’m not a big fan of it.

I’m not crazy about it.

I’m not fond of it.

I’m not into it.

I’m not keen on it.

I’ve had enough of it.

It doesn’t tickle my fancy.

It’s not my cup of tea.

That’s not for me.

That’s not my thing.


Baca juga: Frasa Alternatif untuk ‘Correct/Incorret and Easy/Difficult’



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