Ini Cara Menulis dan Membaca Tanggal dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ini Cara Menulis dan Membaca Tanggal dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kampung Inggris Bandung E-PLC – Saat mempelajari bahasa Inggris, kita seringkali masih kebingungan bagaimana sebenarnya cara membaca dan menulis tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris baik secara American maupun British. Berikut ini beberapa hal yang bisa kamu pelajari dengan mengetahui frasa-frasa seperti ini tentu dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris kamu. 


Menulis dan Membaca Tahun 

1800: eighteen hundred

1805: eighteen hundred (and) five

Or eighteen oh-five

1817: eighteen seventeen

1998: nineteen ninety-eight

2000: two thousand

2003: two thousand (and) three

Or twenty oh-three

2011: two thousand (and) eleven

Or twenty eleven

2018: two thousand (and) eighteen

Or twenty eighteen


We often split up the year in tens.

1975 is split up in 19 and 75. (You say: nineteen seventy-five).

From 2000 until 2009 the year is normally not split up.


2000: two thousand

2001 = two thousand (and) one

The word and is often left out. From 2010 on the year is split up again.

2010 is split up in 20 and 10. (You say: twenty ten).


BC – Before Christ

AD – Anno Domini



…the (1980s) ‘80s – “the (nineteen) eighties”

…the (2000s) ‘00s – “the thousands” or “the aughts”.



…the 1800s – “the eighteen hundreds”

…the 6th century – “the sixth century”

…the 21st century – “the twenty first century”

Ordinal Numbers

1st – first

2nd – second

3rd – third

4th – fourth

5th – fifth

6th – sixth

7th – seventh

8th – eighth

9th – ninth

10th – tenth

11th – eleventh

12th – twelfth

13th – thirteenth

20th – twentieth

21st – twenty-first

22nd – twenty-second

23rd – twenty-third

30th – thirtieth

31st – thirty-first

40th – fortieth

41st –forty-first

50th – fiftieth

51st – fifty-first


Mengucapkan dan menulis tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris kita seringkali menggunakan 

Ordinal number ini, jangan sampai keliru dalam pengucapannya ya. 


Bagaimana cara bertanya tanggal?

What day is it today?

“It’s Wednesday” or “It’s the 13th”…

What date is it?

“It’s the 19th” or It’s “19th May” or “May 19th”…

What is the date (today)?or What is today’s date?


It is…

The date today is …

Today is…

Bagaimana menggunakan IN, ON with Year, Month, Date…

In + Years

in 1980, in 1968, in 1995, in 1963, in 2018…



He was born in 1980.

I lived there in 1995.


In + Months

in January, in February, in December…


He joined the Army in February 1943.

His latest book will appear in December.


In + Decades

in the 1960s, in the seventies, in the 1990s…


It was built as a new town in the 1960s.

She became a household name in the 1960s.


In + Centuries

in the 15th century, in the 18th century, in the 21st century…


It was built in the 18th century.

Micro-mechanism is one of the key technologies in the 21th century.


On + Dates

on April 3rd, on 1st January 2013, on the 10th, on the first day, on the last day…


The formal signing will take place on April 9th.

We will celebrate on October 1st.


On + Days

on Monday, on Thursday, on Sunday…


He wasn’t there on Monday; nor on Tuesday, for that matter.

Shall we go to the theater on Friday?


Menulis dan mengucapkan Tanggal dalam British English

Rule:  Day – Month – Year

Writing:     1st February, 2011

Saying:     The first of February twenty eleven

Menulis dan mengucapkan tanggal dalam American English

Rule:   Month – Day – Year

Writing:    February 1st, 2011

Saying:    February first twenty eleven


Baca juga: Frasa-frasa Berikut Bisa Bikin Kamu Ngomong Sopan Pake Bahasa Inggris

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