List ‘Verbs and Prepositions Collocations’ Beserta Contohnya

09 List ‘Verbs and Prepositions Collocations’ Beserta Contohnya

Kampung Inggris Bandung E-PLC – Collocation adalah kata-kata yang sering ditempatkan bersama-sama, dua kata atau lebih yang sering ditemukan bersama-sama di sebuah percakapan maupun tulisan dalam bahasa Inggris. Collocations ini dapat kita gunakan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu secara khusus dengan cara menggabungkan dua jenis kata, kali ini kita akan mempelajari list dari Verbs and Prepositions Collocations (Kata kerja + Preposisi). Berikut list dan contohnya.

Verb + FOR Collocations

  • Account for
  • Admire for
  • Allow for
  • Apologize for
  • Ask for
  • Be for
  • Blame for
  • Care for
  • Charge for
  • Congratulate for
  • Count for
  • Earmark for
  • Excuse for
  • Forgive for
  • Keep for
  • Pay for
  • Pray for
  • Prepare for
  • Scold for
  • Search for
  • Substitute for
  • Thank for
  • Vote for
  • Vouch for
  • Wait for
  • Wish for
  • Work for


Verb + TO Collocations

  • Add to
  • Admit to
  • Answer to
  • Apologize to
  • Appeal to
  • Apply oneself to
  • Ask to
  • Attend to
  • Attribute to
  • Be resigned to
  • Belong to
  • Commit to
  • Complain to
  • Confess to
  • Consent to
  • Contribute to
  • Devote to
  • Explain to
  • Happen to
  • Introduce to
  • Invite to
  • Lend to
  • Listen to
  • Look forward to
  • Matter to
  • Object to
  • Pray to
  • Prefer to
  • React to
  • Refer to
  • Resort to
  • Respond to
  • See to
  • Speak to
  • Subject to
  • Subscribe to
  • Talk to
  • Travel to
  • Compare to


Verb + ON Collocations

  • Agree on
  • Base on
  • Be on
  • Blame on
  • Comment on
  • Concentrate on
  • Congratulate on
  • Count on
  • Depend on
  • Elaborate on
  • Impose on
  • Insist on
  • Play on
  • Pride on
  • Rely on
  • Work on


Verb + ABOUT Collocations

  • Ask about
  • Concern about
  • Argue about
  • Be about
  • Boast about
  • Care about
  • Decide about
  • Dream about
  • Forget about
  • Know about
  • Laugh about
  • Protest about
  • Think about
  • Worry about


Verb + WITH Collocations

  • Acquaint with
  • Agree with
  • Associate with
  • Charge with
  • Clutter with
  • Coincide with
  • Collide with
  • Compare with
  • Comply with
  • Confront with
  • Confuse with
  • Cover with
  • Cram with
  • Deal with
  • Discuss with
  • Help with
  • Ingratiate oneself with
  • Meet with
  • Pack with
  • Plead with
  • Provide with
  • Speak with
  • Talk with
  • Tamper with
  • Trust with


Verb + FROM Collocations

  • Bar from
  • Benefit from
  • Borrow from
  • Derive from
  • Deter from
  • Differ from
  • Distinguish from
  • Distract from
  • Choose from
  • Come from
  • Escape from
  • Exempt from
  • Expel from
  • Emerge from
  • Expect from
  • Forbid from
  • Graduate from
  • Hear from
  • Hide from
  • Prevent from
  • Prohibit from
  • Protect from
  • Recover from
  • Refrain from
  • Rescue from
  • Resign from
  • Rest from
  • Result from
  • Save from
  • Separate from
  • Stem from
  • Stop from
  • Subtract from
  • Suffer from


Verb + IN Collocations

  • Arrive in
  • Absorb in
  • Be engrossed in
  • Believe in
  • Confide in
  • Implicate in
  • Involve in
  • Participate in
  • Result in
  • Specialize in
  • Succeed in
  • Trust in


Verb + OF Collocations

  • Accuse of
  • Approve of
  • Consist of
  • Convict of
  • Get rid of
  • Remind of
  • Suspect of
  • Take advantage of
  • Take care of


Verb + AT Collocations

  • Work at
  • Arrive at
  • Glance at
  • Guess at
  • Hint at
  • Marvel at
  • Smile at
  • Stare at


Berikut ini contoh penggunaan Verbs and Prepositions Collocations

We depend on our customers’ suggestions.

I like to pride myself on my ability to concentrate.

She had to apologize to the whole family.

Professor Samson attributes this painting to Leonardo.

She committed herself to finding a new job.

Please contribute to the fund for the needy.

Something awful happened to your car.

She listens to the radio in the car.

I object to your opinion.

He reacted poorly to the news.

He doesn’t care about playing golf.

I can’t excuse myself for not doing it.

Let me pay for Tom.

A hotel room is being prepared for them.

She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.

She shut her eyes and wished for him to get better.

My birthday coincides with a national holiday.

He complies with each and every order.

My closet is crammed with dirty clothes!

The congressman met with strong opposition to his plan.

It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other.

The swimmer emerged from the lake.

I got a letter today. I finally heard from him.

I hope that this will result in the police finding your car.

Can I trust in the figures in this report?


Baca juga: Daftar Lengkap ‘Adjectives and Prepositions Collocations’ Beserta Contohnya


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