Daftar Lengkap ‘Adjectives and Prepositions Collocations’ Beserta Contohnya

08 Daftar Lengkap ‘Adjectives and Prepositions Collocations’ Beserta Contohnya

Kampung Inggris Bandung E-PLC – Collocation adalah kata-kata yang sering ditempatkan bersama-sama, dua kata atau lebih yang sering ditemukan bersama-sama di sebuah percakapan maupun tulisan dalam bahasa Inggris. Collocations ini dapat kita gunakan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu secara khusus dengan cara menggabungkan dua jenis kata, kali ini kita akan mempelajari list dari Adjectives and Prepositions Collocations.


List ‘Adjectives and Prepositions Collocations’:

Adjective + WITH Collocations List

  • Acquainted with
  • Angry with
  • Annoyed with
  • Associated with
  • Blessed with
  • Bored with
  • Busy with
  • Careless with
  • Clever with
  • Comfortable with
  • Concerned with
  • Connected with
  • Content with
  • Coordinated with
  • Crowded with
  • Delighted with
  • Familiar with
  • Disgusted with
  • Fed up with
  • Free with
  • Friendly/unfriendly with
  • Furious with
  • Furnished with
  • Generous with
  • Gentle with
  • Happy with
  • Impressed with
  • Cluttered with
  • Lucky with
  • Patient with
  • Careful with
  • Pleased with
  • Popular with
  • Satisfied with
  • Wrong with


Adjective + OF Collocations List

  • Accused of
  • Afraid of
  • Ashamed of
  • Aware of
  • Capable of
  • Certain of
  • Clever of
  • Conscious of
  • Envious of
  • Fond of
  • Free of
  • Frightened of
  • Full of
  • Generous of
  • Guilty of
  • Hopeful of
  • In charge of
  • In danger of
  • In favor of
  • Innocent of
  • Jealous of
  • Kind of
  • Made of
  • Nasty of
  • Nervous of
  • Nice of
  • Proud of
  • Rid of
  • Scared of
  • Selfish of
  • Sensible of
  • Sick of
  • Silly of
  • Stupid of
  • Sure of
  • Suspicious of
  • Tired of
  • True of
  • Typical of
  • Unkind of


Adjective + FOR Collocations List

  • Eligible for
  • Eager for
  • Late for
  • Mean for
  • Qualified for
  • Thankful for
  • Concerned for
  • Clever for
  • Happy for
  • True for
  • Good for
  • Free for
  • Bad for
  • Difficult for
  • Grateful for
  • Hard for
  • Known for
  • Notorious for
  • Prepared for
  • Ready for
  • Renowned for
  • Responsible for something
  • Serious for
  • Suitable for
  • Thirsty for
  • Famous for something
  • Sorry for


Adjective + ABOUT Collocations List

  • Angry about
  • Annoyed about
  • Anxious about
  • Careful about
  • Careless about
  • Certain about
  • Concerned about
  • Crazy about
  • Curious about
  • Depressed about
  • Enthusiastic about
  • Excited about
  • Furious about
  • Guilty about
  • Happy about
  • Hopeful about
  • Mad about
  • Nervous about
  • Obsessed about
  • Optimistic about
  • Pessimistic about
  • Puzzled about
  • Sensitive about
  • Serious about
  • Sorry about
  • Sure about
  • Sympathetic about
  • Terrible about
  • Upset about
  • Worried about
  • Wrong about


Adjective + AT Collocations List

  • Amazed at
  • Angry at
  • Annoyed at
  • Awful at
  • Bad at
  • Brilliant at
  • Clever at
  • Delighted at
  • Disappointed at
  • Excellent at
  • Excited at
  • Good at
  • Hopeless at
  • Mad at
  • Presented at
  • Skilled at
  • Successful at
  • Surprised at
  • Terrible at
  • Slow at
  • Lucky at


Adjective + BY Collocations List

  • Amazed by
  • Delighted by
  • Disturbed by
  • Excited by
  • Fascinated by
  • Impressed by
  • Inspired by
  • Selfish by
  • Shocked by
  • Surprised by


Adjective + IN Collocations List

  • Comfortable in
  • Connected in
  • Disappointed in
  • Experienced in
  • Interested in
  • Polite/impolite in
  • Present in
  • Skilled in
  • Slow in
  • Successful in
  • Talented in


Adjective + FROM Collocations List

  • Different from
  • Safe from
  • Rude from
  • Free from


Adjective + TO Collocations List

  • Happy to
  • Delighted to
  • Pleased to
  • Concerned to
  • Familiar to
  • Proud to
  • Kind to
  • Rude to
  • Scared to
  • Free to
  • Good to
  • Nasty to
  • Nice to
  • Unkind to
  • Accustomed to
  • Addicted to
  • Allergic to
  • Anxious to
  • Apposed to
  • Attached to
  • Beneficial to
  • Cruel to
  • Curious to
  • Disappointed to
  • Eager to
  • Eligible to
  • Exposed to
  • Faithful to
  • Grateful to
  • Identical to
  • Immune to
  • Indifferent to
  • Inferior to
  • Keen to
  • Late to
  • Limited to
  • Married to
  • Mean to
  • Polite/impolite to
  • Qualified to
  • Related to
  • Relevant to
  • Sad to
  • Sensitive to
  • Similar to
  • Slow to
  • Superior to
  • Sympathetic to
  • Thankful to
  • Unreasonable to
  • Wrong to


Berikut ini contoh kalimat yang menggunakan Adjectives and Prepositions Collocations

  • The drought has made farmers anxious about the harvest.
  • He was quite certain about his attacker’s identity.
  • They were very curious about the people who lived upstairs.
  • He’s brilliant at football.
  • They are excellent at planning fun parties.
  • Please don’t be mad at me!
  • Dustin is terrible at texting.
  • He’s got no manners – he’s rude to everyone.
  • It’s good to see you again.
  • She had grown accustomed to his long absences.
  • I’ve never seen two people so attached to each other.
  • Everyone in the class seemed eager to learn.
  • Her dress is almost identical to mine.
  • It’s too late to start complaining now.
  • How are you related to him? Is he your cousin?
  • It was generous of him to offer to pay for us both.
  • You are in danger of being robbed.
  • A crane is a kind of bird with very long legs and neck.
  • It was nice of you to give me a present
  • I’m sick of the way you’ve treated me.
  • I’m sick and tired of all the arguments.
  • It was unkind of you to take his toy away.
  • The kids are busy with their homework.
  • My mother is very clever with her hands.
  • The airport is crowded with stranded travelers.
  • He’s fed up with his job. He wants to quit.
  • She was very gentle with the children.


Baca juga: Daftar Lengkap ‘Nouns and Prepositions Collocations’ Beserta Contohnya


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