100++ Contoh Penggunaan Phrasal Verb dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

04 100++ Contoh Penggunaan Phrasal Verb dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

Kampung Inggris Bandung E-PLC – Phrasal Verb adalah satu kata kerja yang dipadukan dengan preposition atau adverb (atau keduanya) dan berfungsi sebagai kata kerja. Setelah mengetahui berbagai Phrasal Verb mari kita lihat bagaimana Phrasal Verb ini digunakan dalam kalimat-kalimat, berikut 100++ contoh yang bisa kamu pelajari.

  • Different drugs act on (affect) different parts of our body in many different ways.
  • Children may act up (cause trouble) in class in an effort to get attention.
  • I will answer for (guarantee) his debt, if he can’t pay on the day.
  • Could you back off (lower the setting of) the volume a bit? It’s really loud.
  • That beeping sound indicates that the truck is backing up (moving backwards).
  • I couldn’t see how to finish the project, so I backed up (undo) and tried it another way.
  • I expect John will be along (arrive) soon.
  • I got some bad news this morning, so I‘m a bit down (depressed) at the moment.
  • Because of the big sale, the price of these shirts is now down to (be reduced) four dollars
  • I think you are down with (be ill) the flu.
  • I‘m fed up (be bored) with my job.
  • I’m sorry; I’m not with (agree with) you on this point.
  • I beat off (waste time) at work all day; I didn’t get anything done.
  • She was brought up in a very religious household, but broke away (leave suddenly) from the church in her teens.
  • I’ve decided to break it off (end a relationship) with her.
  • I finally broke into (opened) the second package of cookies.
  • I hope to bring about (achieve) a successful conclusion.
  • Sam was sure he could bring them around (convince) to the deal.
  • The latest budget reforms are intended to bring down (reduce) the level of inflation.
  • He has the ability to bring forth (create) new ideas when they are needed.
  • Don’t bring up (mention) politics if you want to have a quiet conversation with that guy.
  • She did well enough bringing up (raise) two sons and a daughter on her own.
  • I was very ill today; I kept bringing up (vomit) everything I ate.
  • I need a truck to carry off (transport away) all this furniture.
  • Malaria carried off (cause death) many people.
  • It is difficult to carry on (maintain) a conversation with so many distractions.
  • She finally carried out (fulfill) her lifelong ambition when she appeared in a Hollywood blockbuster.
  • The government has called for (request) an end to hostilities in the region.
  • He checked out (investigate) the rumor, and managed to verify that it was true.
  • We checked by (visit) the office to see if the stuff was ready.
  • Can you tell me how the accident came about (happen)?
  • Don’t try to come after (follow) me.
  • I’d like you to come along (accompany) with me to the opera.
  • Your English is really coming along (make progress)!
  • The cup just came apart (break) in my hands.
  • As I backed away, he came at (attack) me with a knife.
  • I′m not going to come at (try) that again. Too risky.
  • I left work and came back (return) home early.
  • F comes before (precede) G in the alphabet.
  • Real estate prices have come down (decrease) since the peak of the boom.
  • The company came down on (punish) him very hard after he was found skipping work.
  • Please come in (enter) and look around.
  • That flight just came in (arrive).
  • After his father died, he came into (inherit) a large fortune.
  • Did the trip to Paris ever come off (take place)?
  • The new garden is coming on (develop) nicely.
  • I apologize for my behavior last night. I don’t know what came over (affect) me.
  • The team came through (succeed) in the end and won the pennant.
  • I’ll let you know if any vacancies come up (happen).
  • He came up (appear) before a judge and was fined a thousand dollars.          
  • It’ll be warmer once the sun comes up (rise).
  • We’re going out to lunch. Do you want to come with (join)?
  • We need to cut back heavily on (reduce) office supplies. 
  • If we cut out (remove) the middle-man, we will both have better profits.
  • He has his work cut out (arrange) for him.
  • That is where your reasoning falls down (fail).
  • It seemed like a good idea, so we fell in with (accept) it.
  • How are you getting along with (handle) your schoolwork?
  • I don’t understand. What are you getting at (mean)?
  • I‘ve got some things to do for about an hour. After that, get at (contact) me.
  • The train got away (depart) exactly on time.
  • She claims the publishers never really got behind (support) her new book.
  • Nothing gets me down (discourage) so much as a rainy day.
  • Jane’s always getting down on (criticize) the kids.
  • If I wake up during the night, I cannot get off (fall asleep) again.
  • In case of fire, get out (escape) by the nearest exit.
  • I’m trying to get over (overcome) my fear of flying.
  • She got through (finish) her book this morning!
  • He got up (criticize) me about the mess I made in the kitchen.
  • Give me back (return) my book!
  • What he did goes against (violate) the rules.
  • Careful, he’ll go for (attack) your throat!
  • Management won’t go for (accept) such a risky project now.
  • The bomb went off (explode) right after the president left his office.
  • He went off (leave) without a word.
  • He went on (proceed) to win a gold medal.
  • Please go out (leave) through the back door.
  • Hang on (wait a moment). Let me check
  • Hold up (wait) a minute. I want to check something.
  • The dam can’t hold back (stop) that much water.
  • I held down (continue) that job for years.
  • How long can they hold out (survive) without water?
  • We will have to hold over (save) these files until tomorrow.
  • He tried to keep away from (avoid) danger.
  • Let’s kick off (start) this project with a planning meeting.
  • The rent has been kicked up (increase) again.
  • I’m going to stay at home on Saturday and just kick back (relax).
  • They knocked out (complete) the entire project in one night.
  • I promised him I would meet him there, and I will not let him down (disappoint).
  • He accidentally let out (disclose) the location for the meeting.
  • The rain shows no sign of letting up (stop).
  • I can’t find my keys, so I’ll look around (search).
  • I looked at (consider) the possibility of buying a new car.
  • Thieves made away with (steal) £30,000 of jewelry in last night’s heist.
  • The new computers make for (contribute) much greater productivity.
  • The men made off (escape) as the police arrived.
  • Kids! Stop messing about (misbehave) and do your work!
  • Don’t mess around (play) with electricity if you don’t understand it.
  • After a long battle with cancer, the professor passed away (die) yesterday.
  • The millennium passed off (happen) without any disasters.
  • I’ll pass on (skip) dessert, thanks.
  • We’ll pass out (distribute) copies of the agenda.
  • I want to pass over (ignore) this quite quickly.
  • He passed up (refuse) my invitation for dinner.
  • Did you pick up (notice) his nervousness?
  • I’m calling him, but he just isn’t picking up (answer)!
  • Children who do not receive enough attention may begin to play up (misbehave).
  • He pulls in (earn) a lot of money.
  • We put down (pay) a $1,000 deposit.
  • Put down (write) the first thing you think of on this piece of paper.
  • I put in (contribute) an extra hour at work today.
  • The storm put the game off (delay) by a week.
  • The factory puts out (produce) 5000 units each day.
  • Please hold the line a moment while I put you through (connect) to the sales office.
  • That dog will get hurt if he continues to run after (chase) cars.
  • The guys who robbed the bank last week have finally been run in (arrest).
  • The option will run out (expire) next week and I can’t get it extended.
  • Before we start the project, let’s just run over (describe briefly) who is doing what.
  • Two youths set about (attack) him.
  • How much do you suppose that fancy dress set her back (cost money)?
  • Could you speak up (talk more loudly)? I can’t hear you.
  • I can’t simply stand by (do nothing) and watch you ruin your life.
  • We won’t stand for (tolerate) that type of behavior.
  • I’m going to take off (depart) now.
  • I’ll take off (quantify) the concrete and steel for this construction project.
  • Please take out (remove) the trash before the whole house starts to smell.
  • The books on finance take up (occupy) three shelves.
  • Let’s take up (resume) where we left off.
  • The team threw away (waste) its chance at the semifinals.
  • The baby threw up (vomit) all over my shirt.
  • He turned down (refuse) all our offers of help.
  • Hundreds of people turned out (attend) to see the parade.
  • The bakery turns out (produce) three hundred pies each day.


Baca juga: List Phrasal Verb Tentang Business, Education, Work, Idea and Environment



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