PART 2 List Phrasal Verb Sering Kepake yang Berawalan huruf K Sampai P

PART 2 List Phrasal Verb Sering Kepake yang Berawalan huruf K Sampai P

Kampung Inggris Bandung E-PLC – Phrasal Verb adalah satu kata kerja yang dipadukan dengan preposition atau adverb (atau keduanya) dan berfungsi sebagai kata kerja. Mari kita lihat Phrasal Verb umum yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari, dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas mulai dari Phrasal Verb yang berawalan huruf K sampai huruf P.


Phrasal Verb from: K-Keep

Keep across: Keep abreast of or up to date with; to keep people informed of

Keep around: Keep something near one

Keep at: Continue with something difficult

Keep away: Refrain from coming (near)

Keep away: Prevent from coming (near)

Keep away from: Avoid or evade

Keep away from: Deny (someone) access to

Keep back: Maintain a safe distance

Keep down: Repress

Keep down: Restrain or control (a sound)

Keep down: Cause not to increase or rise

Keep down: Not to vomit

Keep down: Stay concealed by not standing up

Keep from: Control yourself, refrain

Keep in: Not allow someone out

Keep off: Not talk about

Keep off: Not touch something

Keep on: Persist or continue

Keep on: Persist in talking about a subject to the annoyance of the listener

Keep on: Cause or allow to remain in an existing position

Keep out: Refrain from entering a place or condition

Keep out: Restrain someone or something from entering a place or condition

Keep out of: Stay away from (a place or condition)

Keep out of: Restrain someone or something from entering (a place or condition)

Keep to oneself: Purposely avoid interaction with others; to be introverted

Keep up: Stay even or ahead

Keep up: Ensure that one remains well-informed about something

Keep up with: Move at the same rate


Phrasal Verb from: K-Kick

Kick around: Abuse or mistreat; to bully

Kick around: Wander loose; to float around; to hang around

Kick back: Relax

Kick down: Break or demolish something by physical bodily force

Kick in: Start, connect, or take effect, especially in a sudden way

Kick in: Contribute, especially to a collection of money

Kick off: Make the first kick in a game or part of a game

Kick off: Start; to launch

Kick off: Dismiss; to expel; to remove from a position

Kick off: Die or quit permanently

Kick off: Shut down or turn off suddenly

Kick off: Suddenly become more active

Kick off: Be overcome with anger, to start an argument or a fight

Kick off: Have a fight or argument start

Kick out: Eject, throw out, or forcefully remove

Kick out: Stop, stall, or disconnect suddenly

Kick up: Raise, to increase (a price)

Kick up: Show anger (about something)

Kick up: Function improperly, to show signs of disorder, (of an illness) to flare up


Phrasal Verb from: L-Lay

Lay by: Put away for future use; put aside; store; save; hoard; to build up as savings

Lay down: Give up, surrender, or yield (e.g. a weapon)

Lay down: Intentionally take a fall while riding a motorcycle, in order to prevent a more serious collision

Lay down: Specify, institute, enact, assert firmly, state authoritatively, establish or formulate

Lay down: Lie down; to place oneself in a reclined or horizontal position, on a bed or similar, for the purpose of resting

Lay low: Topple or overcome; to cause to fall; (of a person) to knock out

Lay off: Cease, quit, stop (doing something)

Lay off: Stop bothering, teasing, or pestering someone; to leave (someone) alone

Lay on: Provide (food or drinks) for free

Lay on: Repeatedly say (particular things)

Lay out: Arrange in a certain way, so as to spread or space apart

Lay up: Make a layup with (a basketball)


Phrasal Verb from: L-Live

Live down: Get used to something shameful

Live off: Survive by consuming only a certain thing or things

Live on: Survive solely by consuming a certain thing

Live on: Endure

Live out: Not reside on the premises of one’s employer

Live out: Live some distance away or outside of a town/city

Live out: Fulfill or act out a dream or fantasy or aspiration

Live out: Pass time or to pass the remainder of one’s life

Live through: Survive a difficult period or event

Live up: Fulfill the expectations placed upon

Phrasal Verb from: L-Let

Let down: Allow to descend

Let down: Disappoint; to betray or fail somebody

Let in: Let someone or something come in

Let in on: Disclose information to someone; to tell somebody a secret or share privileged information

Let off: Cause to explode or come out; to release

Let off: Forgive and not punish

Let on: Reveal, disclose, or divulge

Let out: Release

Let out: Allow to operate at higher speed by adjusting controls

Let out: Enlarge by adjusting one or more seams

Let out: Of sound, to emit

Let out: Disclose

Let past: Allow someone to pass one

Let up: Cease; stop


Phrasal Verb from: L-Look 

Look after: Watch or protect; to keep safe

Look ahead: Consider the future, to anticipate future events

Look back: Think about something that happened in the past

Look down on: Regard someone with a feeling of superiority

Look around: Inspect a building or area

Look around: Search a place

Look around: Turn one’s head to see what is behind oneself

Look at: Consider

Look for: Search for; to seek

Look forward to: Feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen

Look in (on sby): Visit a person or place for a short time

Look into: Investigate, explore, or consider

Look on: Watch; to observe

Look on as: Treat someone in a particular role; to consider someone in a particular way

Look out: Look from within to the outside

Look out: Be vigilant and aware

Look out for: Take care of someone, make sure someone is cared for

Look out for: Keep alert and try to see

Look round: Inspect a building or area

Look round: Search a place

Look round: Turn one’s head to see what is behind oneself

Look through: Gaze through a gap or aperture

Look through: Search, either with the eyes or by hand

Look through: Pretend not to see something or someone who is clearly visible

Look to: Seek inspiration or advice or reward from someone

Look up: Have better prospects, to improve

Look up: Obtain information about something from a text source

Look up to: Show respect or admiration for

Look upon: Consider or regard something in a specific manner

Look upon: Gaze at something; to look on

Look upon as: Consider, regard


Phrasal Verb from: M-Make

Make after: Chase

Make away with: Steal

Make for: To move towards something

Make for: To contribute, to cause, lead to

Make into: Cause (the first object) to become (the second object); to change or transform

Make it up to: Pay back; to return someone a previous good deed

Make of: Form an opinion about (someone or something)

Make off: Leave somewhere in a hurry

Make off: To escape

Make off with: Steal

Make out: Draw up (a document etc.), to designate (a cheque) to a given recipient, payee

Make out: Manage, get along; to do (well, badly etc.)

Make out: Represent; to make (something) appear to be true

Make out: Kiss passionately

Make out of: Construct from; to create (something) using (a material or substance)

Make over: Renovate or to convert to a different use, particularly houses, offices, or rooms within them

Make over: Create a new physical look, especially with a new hairstyle, cosmetics, or clothes

Make over: Improve upon and/or take in a new direction

Make towards: Head in the direction

Make up: Compensate, fill in or catch up

Make up: Invent, imagine, or concoct (a story, claim, etc.)

Make up: Assemble, or mix

Make up: Apply cosmetics or makeup to

Make up: Resolve, forgive or smooth over an argument or fight

Make up for: To compensate for something, to replace

Make up to: Do something to show that you are sorry about the problems you have caused someone

Make way: Make progress


Phrasal Verb from: M-Move

Move forward: Make progress

Move on: Leave somewhere for another place

Move on: Start dealing with something else

Move out: Vacate one’s place of residence or employment

Move out: Leave one’s present location

Move up: Move one’s position to allow others to occupy a place

Phrasal Verb from: P-Pick

Pick apart: Overcome by skilled execution

Pick at: Eat unwillingly

Pick at: To pull or touch something several times

Pick off: Remove by picking

Pick off: Shoot one by one

Pick off: Dispose of tasks, obstacles, opponents etc. one by one

Pick on: Bully, harass or make fun of a victim; to bother or harass

Pick on: Select (a person) for a task, etc.

Pick out: Distinguish

Pick out: Ornament or relieve with lines etc. of a different, usually lighter, color

Pick through: Search something that is disordered for something.

Pick up: Lift; to grasp and raise

Pick up: Collect an object, especially in passing

Pick up: Clean up; to return to an organized state

Pick up: Collect a passenger

Pick up: Collect and detain (a suspect)

Pick up: Improve, increase or speed up

Pick up: Restart or resume

Pick up: Learn, to grasp; to begin to understand

Pick up: Receive (a radio signal or the like)

Pick up: Notice, detect or discern, often used with “on”

Pick up: Point out (a person’s behavior, habits or actions) in a critical manner

Pick up: Meet and seduce somebody for romantic purposes, especially in a social situation

Pick up: Answer a telephone

Pick up: Pay for

Pick up after: Tidy a mess someone else has made.

Pick up on: Correct someone when they say something wrong.

Pick up on: Notice something that most people don’t.

Pick up on: React to something.

Pick up on: Comment on something said earlier in a conversation.

Pick yourself up: Recover from a fall or problem


Phrasal Verb from: P-Play

Play along: Take part in a charade, deception, or practical joke

Play around: Behave in a silly, or childish, or irresponsible way

Play around: Work with in a non-serious manner

Play at: Pretend to be a different person while playing a game

Play at: Do something in a manner that lacks seriousness, commitment, or professionalism

Play down: Make or attempt to make something seem less important, likely, or obvious

Play off: Pretend not to be embarrassed, upset, impressed or otherwise affected by something

Play out: Play music to accompany the end of, or as a final segment in (a programme, broadcast etc.)

Play out: Occur in a certain manner

Play up: Misbehave

Play up: Make or attempt to make something appear more important, likely or obvious; to showcase or highlight


Phrasal Verb from: P-Put

Put (effort) into: To try

Put across: Explain or state something clearly and understandably

Put aside: Save (money)

Put aside: Ignore or intentionally disregard (something), temporarily or permanently

Put asunder: Sunder; disjoin; separate; disunite; divorce; annul; dissolve

Put away: Place out of the way, clean up

Put away: Store, add to one’s stores for later use

Put away: Consume (food or drink), especially in large quantities

Put away: Send (someone) to prison

Put away: Knock out an opponent

Put away: Take a large lead in a game, especially enough to guarantee victory

Put back: Return something to its original place

Put back: Postpone an arranged event or appointment

Put back: Drink fast; to knock down alcohol

Put back: Change the time in a time zone to an earlier time

Put by: Preserve food by canning, freezing, drying, etc.

Put by: Perform an action without attracting attention

Put by: Save money

Put by: Run a ship aground intentionally to avoid a collision

Put down: Insult, belittle, or demean

Put down: Pay

Put down: Halt, eliminate, stop, or squelch, often by force

Put down: Euthanize (an animal)

Put down: Write (something)

Put down: Terminate a call; to hang up

Put down: Add a name to a list

Put down: Make prices, or taxes, lower

Put down: Place a baby somewhere to sleep

Put down: Land

Put down: Drop someone off, or let them out of a vehicle

Put down: Cease, temporarily or permanently, reading (a book)

Put down as: Assume someone has a particular character from very little information

Put down for: Record that someone has offered to help, or contribute something

Put down to: State the cause of a situation

Put forward: Propose for consideration

Put forward: Change the time in a time zone to a later time

Put in: Place inside

Put in: Apply, request, or submit

Put in: Contribute

Put in: Call at, arrive at, or enter a place (e.g., to enter a harbor or port)

Put in practice: Make (something) a practical reality

Put off: Procrastinate

Put off: Delay (a task, event, etc.)

Put off: Distract; to disturb the concentration of

Put off: Cause to dislike; to discourage (from doing)

Put on: Don (clothing, equipment or the like)

Put on: Fool, kid, deceive

Put on: Assume, adopt or affect; to behave in a particular way as a pretense

Put on: Play (a recording)

Put on: Initiate cooking or warming, especially on a stovetop

Put on: Perform for an audience

Put oneself across: Explain one’s ideas and opinions clearly so that another person can understand them and get a picture of your personality

Put out: Place outside or eject

Put out: Produce

Put out: Injure a part of the body, especially a joint

Put out: Extinguish (a flame or light)

Put over: State, or explain a concept in a clear, understandable manner

Put past: Conclude that (someone) would not do something

Put through: Connect

Put through: Cause to endure

Put to: Ask or pose a question, or make a proposal

Put together: Assemble, construct, build or formulate

Put towards: Make a financial contribution

Put up: Place in a high location

Put up: Hang or mount

Put up: Cajole or dare to do something

Put up: Store away

Put up: House, shelter, or take in

Put up: Present, especially in “put up a fight”

Put up: Provide funds in advance

Put up: Make available, to offer

Put up with: Endure, tolerate, suffer through, or allow, especially something annoying

Put forward: To propose or suggest


Baca juga: PART 1 List Phrasal Verb yang Sering Kepake dari A Sampai J


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