PART 3 List Phrasal Verb Sering Kepake yang Berawalan Huruf R Sampai W

PART 3 List Phrasal Verb Sering Kepake yang Berawalan Huruf R Sampai W

Kampung Inggris Bandung E-PLC – Phrasal Verb adalah satu kata kerja yang dipadukan dengan preposition atau adverb (atau keduanya) dan berfungsi sebagai kata kerja. Mari kita lihat Phrasal Verb umum yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari, dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas mulai dari Phrasal Verb yang berawalan huruf R sampai huruf W.


Phrasal Verb from: R-Run 

Run about: Be very busy doing many different things

Run across: Cross by running

Run across: Find or discover by chance

Run after: Chase

Run after: Make a determined effort to win someone’s affections

Run against: Oppose, make difficulties.

Run along: Leave; to make one’s way somewhere else

Run around: Be very busy doing many different things

Run around after: Spend a lot of time doing things for another person or group of people

Run away: Flee by running

Run away: Leave home

Run away with: Leave secretly with another person

Run away with: Steal and get away with it

Run away with: Be misled

Run away with: Overwhelm, get the better of

Run away with: Be superior or outstanding in something

Run back: Take someone home by car; to give someone a lift to their house

Run back: Rewind a film or cassette

Run by: Inform someone briefly of the main points of an idea

Run by: Briefly stop at a location for a particular purpose

Run down: Hit someone with a car or other vehicle and injure or kill them

Run down: Criticize someone or an organisation, often unfairly

Run down: Find something or someone after searching for a long time

Run down: Lose power slowly

Run down: Read quickly a list or other short text

Run down: Reduce the size or stock levels of a business, often with a view to closure

Run for it: To run very quickly in order to escape from someone or something

Run in: Arrest

Run in: Use new machinery at less than full speed, preventing damage

Run into: Enter by running

Run into: Collide with

Run into: Encounter or meet unexpectedly

Run into: Cause to blend into

Run into: Reach a large figure

Run low: Near the end of a supply of something; to be nearly running out

Run off: Flee or depart quickly

Run off: Make photocopies, or print

Run off: Write something quickly

Run off: Pour or spill off or over

Run off: Chase someone away

Run off: Operate by a particular energy source

Run off with: Leave with someone with the intention of living with them or marrying them

Run off with: Steal or abscond

Run on: Continue without interruption

Run on: Using a certain time zone

Run on: Continue talking for a long time

Run on: Operate with a particular energy source

Run out: Use up; to consume all of something

Run out: Expire, to come to an end

Run out: Extend a piece of material, or clothing

Run out on: Leave a partner or commitment suddenly and without prior warning

Run over: Exceed the allotted time

Run over: Cross by running

Run over: Drive over, causing injury or death

Run over: Describe briefly

Run over: Rehearse quickly

Run over: Overflow

Run past: Bring an idea or proposal to the attention of someone in order to obtain their opinion

Run through: Summarize briefly

Run through: Repeat something

Run through: Use completely, in a short space of time

Run through: Pervade, of a quality that is characteristic of a group, organization, or system

Run through: Impale a person with a blade, usually a sword

Run to: Reach a particular maximum amount, size, value, etc.

Run to: Reach the limit of one’s abilities or tastes

Run up: Hasten to a destination

Run up: Make something, usually an item of clothing, very quickly

Run up: Bring a flag to the top of its flag pole

Run up: Rise; to swell; to grow; to increase

Run up: Accumulate a debt

Run up: Thrust up, as anything long and slender

Run up against: Begin to encounter problems with someone or something

Run up on: To confront someone with hostility

Run with: Proceed with; accept


Phrasal Verb from: S-See

See in: Welcome

See into: Escort into, especially a place of shelter

See out: Accompany a guest when he or she leaves

See out: Continue something until completion; to watch an activity develop to a conclusion

See through: Find something to be visually transparent

See through: Not be deceived by something that is false or misleading

See through: Provide support or cooperation to (a person) throughout a period of time

See through: Do something until it is finished

See through: Constitute ample supply for one for

See to: Take care of; to effect; to make happen

See to: Serve or care for


Phrasal Verb from: S-Speak 

Speak for: Speak on somebody’s behalf

Speak for: Claim, reserve, or occupy

Speak for: Represent an intrinsic quality

Speak for oneself: Provide an opinion only on one’s own behalf

Speak for oneself: Expressing disagreement with an opinion expressed by another

Speak for oneself: Have obvious meaning; to require no explanation

Speak of: Bespeak; show; indicate; foretell; suggest

Speak out: Assert or promote one’s opinion; to make one’s thoughts known

Speak to: Resonate with, to feel emotionally relevant to

Speak up: Talk more loudly or plainly

Speak up: Make oneself or one’s opinions known; to advocate or assert oneself


Phrasal Verb from: S-Stand

Stand aside: Step sideways to make a space for someone else

Stand aside: Leave a job or position voluntarily so that someone else can have it instead

Stand aside: Temporarily recuse oneself from action or decision-making in some domain

Stand back: Maintain a safe distance from a hazard

Stand back: Abstain from participation

Stand by: Wait in expectation of some event; to make ready

Stand by: Remain loyal or faithful to

Stand by: Support; to continue to support despite things being bad

Stand by: Do nothing. To be inactive in a situation

Stand by: Be ready to provide assistance if required

Stand by: Wait; to stop pursuing or fighting

Stand for: Tolerate

Stand in for: To act as a double or substitute for

Stand off: Stand some distance apart from something or someone

Stand off: Prevent any would-be attacker from coming close by adopting an offensive posture

Stand out: Be obvious or conspicuous, in contrast to one’s surroundings

Stand out: Be extraordinary and different or to have features and qualities which make someone or something special.

Stand up: Rise from a lying or sitting position

Stand up: Bring something up and set it into a standing position

Stand up: Avoid a prearranged meeting, especially a date, with (a person) without prior notification; to jilt or shirk

Stand up for: Speak or act in support or defense

Stand up to: Object to or interfere with the actions of (someone seen as bullying, pushy, or controlling)

Stand up to: Withstand, to weather, to survive in spite of


Phrasal Verb from: T-Take

Take aback: Surprise or shock; to discomfit

Take after: Resemble (a parent or ancestor) in appearance or habit

Take against: Stop liking someone; to become unfriendly toward

Take apart: Dismantle something into its component pieces

Take aside: Get someone alone to talk to them

Take away: Remove something and put it in a different place

Take away: Remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it

Take away: Subtract or diminish something

Take away: Leave a memory or impression in one’s mind that you think about later

Take away: Make someone leave a place and go somewhere else

Take away: Prevent, or limit, someone from being somewhere, or from doing something

Take away from: Make something seem not so good or interesting

Take back: Retract an earlier statement

Take back: Cause to remember some past event or time

Take back: Resume a relationship

Take back: Regain possession of something

Take back: Return something to a vendor for a refund

Take down: Remove something from a wall or similar vertical surface to which it is fixed

Take down: Remove something from a hanging position

Take down: Write down as a note, especially to record something spoken

Take down: Remove a temporary structure such as scaffolding

Take down: Lower an item of clothing without removing it

Take for: Regard as

Take for: Consider mistakenly

Take for: Defraud; to rip off

Take in: Receive (goods) into one’s home for the purpose of processing for a fee

Take in: Shorten (a garment) or make it smaller

Take in: Absorb or comprehend

Take it away: Begin, especially used to launch a performance of some sort (usually imperative and/or exclamatory)

Take it out in: Accept as payment

Take it out on: Unleash one’s anger on [a person or thing other than the one that caused it]

Take it upon oneself: Assume personal responsibility for a task or action

Take off: Remove

Take off: Imitate, often in a satirical manner

Take off: Leave the ground and begin flight; to ascend into the air

Take off: Become successful, to flourish

Take off: Depart

Take off: Quantify

Take off: Absent oneself from work or other responsibility, especially with permission

Take on: Acquire, bring in, or introduce

Take on: Begin to have or exhibit

Take on: Assume responsibility for

Take on: Attempt to fight or compete with

Take out: Remove

Take out: Escort someone on a date

Take over: Adopt a further responsibility or duty

Take over: Relieve someone temporarily

Take over: Buy out the ownership of a business

Take over: Annex a territory by conquest or invasion

Take over: Become more successful (than someone or something else)

Take pity: Show compassion (towards)

Take through: Explain something to someone.

Take to: Adapt to; to learn, grasp or master

Take to: Enter; to go into or move towards

Take to: Begin, as a new habit or practice

Take up: Pick up

Take up: Begin doing (an activity) on a regular basis

Take up: Address (an issue)

Take up: Occupy; to consume (space or time)

Take up: Shorten by hemming

Take up: Accept (a proposal, offer, request, etc.) from

Take up: Resume

Take up with: Form a close relationship with (someone)

Take upon oneself: Assume personal responsibility for


Phrasal Verb from: T-Turn 

Turn against: Rebel or oppose to something formerly supported

Turn against: Set against or in opposition to something

Turn against: Use to the disadvantage or injury of

Turn around: Physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees

Turn around: Change to the opposite direction from a previous position

Turn around: Reverse the expected outcome of a game, usually from a losing position to a winning one

Turn around: Reverse a trend, usually towards a more favorable outcome

Turn around: Be duplicitous

Turn around: Consider from a different viewpoint

Turn around: Produce; to output; to generate

Turn around: Effect a positive reversal of a trend

Turn around: Make a situation worse by trying to make it better

Turn back: Reverse direction and retrace one’s steps

Turn back: Return to a previous state of being

Turn back: Prevent or refuse to allow passage or progress

Turn back: Adjust to a previous setting

Turn back: Fold something back; to fold down

Turn down: Refuse, decline, or deny

Turn down: Reduce the power, etc. of something by means of a control, such as the volume, heat, or light

Turn down: Reposition by turning, flipping, etc. in a downward direction

Turn in: Submit something; to give

Turn in: Relinquish; give up; to tell on someone to the authorities

Turn in: Go to sleep; retire to bed

Turn into: Transform into; become

Turn off: Power down; to stop a device by switching it off

Turn off: Repulse, disgust, or discourage

Turn off: Leave a road; to exit

Turn on: Depend upon; to pivot around, to have as a central subject

Turn on: Power up (a device), to start, to cause to start operating

Turn on: Start operating; to power up, to become on

Turn on: Violently rebel against; to suddenly attack

Turn on: Fill with enthusiasm; to intoxicate, give pleasure to

Turn out: Result; end up

Turn out: Attend; show up

Turn out: Extinguish a light or other device

Turn out: Become apparent or known

Turn out: Produce; make

Turn out: Leave a road

Turn out: Remove from a mold, bowl etc.

Turn out: Refuse service or shelter; to eject or evict

Turn over: Flip over; to rotate uppermost to bottom

Turn over: Relinquish; give back

Turn over: Produce, complete, or cycle through

Turn over: Generate (a certain amount of money from sales)

Turn over: Give up control (of the ball and thus the ability to score)

Turn over: Cause extensive disturbance or Disruption to (a room, storage place, etc.), e.g. while searching for an item, or ransacking a property

Turn round: Revolve or rotate around a center

Turn round: Turn so as to be facing in the opposite direction

Turn round: Change one’s opinion or attitude (especially when becoming hostile etc.)

Turn round: Put into an opposing position; to reverse

Turn round: Make (a ship, airplane etc.) ready for departure

Turn round: Process; to complete work on (something), especially with a view to sending it on in a finished state

Turn to: Become, to degenerate into

Turn to: Consult for advice

Turn up: Show up; to appear suddenly or unexpectedly

Turn up: Cause to appear; to find by searching, etc.

Turn up: Increase the amount of something by means of a control, such as the volume, heat, or light

Turn up: Reposition by rotating, flipping, etc. upwards

Turn up: Belay or make fast a line on a cleat or pin

Turn upside down: Flip over; to rotate top to bottom

Turn upside down: Thoroughly examine


Phrasal Verb from: W-Walk

Walk away: Withdraw from a problematic situation

Walk away: Survive a challenging or dangerous situation without harm

Walk away from: Abandon or leave; to shun

Walk in on: Enter suddenly or unexpectedly while something is happening; to intrude or interrupt by entering

Walk into: Collide with

Walk into: Fall into (a trap), especially one that could have been avoided with more care

Walk it off: Recover from (a minor injury) or digest (a large meal) by walking around

Walk out: Go out with; to be romantically involved


Phrasal Verb from: W-Work

Work on: Shape, form or improve something

Work on: Exercise influence on someone

Work out: Calculate

Work out: Make sense of

Work out: Smooth

Work out: Conclude with the correct solution

Work out: Succeed

Work out: Habitually exercise rigorously, especially by lifting weights, in order to increase strength or muscle mass or maintain fitness

Work out: Used other than as an idiom: see work,‎ out

Work over: Improve a prototype, or first draft

Work over: Physically attack in order to cause injury

Work sb out: Understand sb’s behavior or nature

Work smt off: Get rid of unpleasant feelings by doing physical activity

Work sth out: Understand sth by thinking about it

Work sth out: Solve a problem or issue

Work through: Deal with, resolve a problem, often emotional.

Work up: Raise; to excite; to stir up

Work up: Develop


Baca juga: PART 2 List Phrasal Verb Sering Kepake yang Berawalan huruf K Sampai P


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